HKS Nissan R35 GTR Superior SpecR Exhaust

  • Brand: HKS
  • Availability: In Stock

The durable full titanium exhaust system is lightweight, and it weighs 10kg lighter than stock exhaust system. As rpm goes up, the sound changes like racing sound. The piping layout has large radius to optimize exhaust gas pressure and temperature. Reduced exhaust gas pressure can handle even hard tunings. Dual...

The durable full titanium exhaust system is lightweight, and it weighs 10kg lighter than stock exhaust system.
As rpm goes up, the sound changes like racing sound. The piping layout has large radius to optimize exhaust gas pressure and temperature. Reduced exhaust gas pressure can handle even hard tunings.

Dual layer tips prevent heat affection to bumper, and slits inside tips have noise reduction effect. After a lot of R&D, finally HKS’ flagship exhaust system has been available with ultimate performance, sound quality, and appearance.


  • Material: Ti
  • Sound (Idle): L67/R68dB
  • Tip Style: SSR
  • Tip Size: 124mm x 4
  • Piping: 85mm
  • Sound (Close): L87/R86dB


  • 2009+ R35 Nissan GT-R


  • The ground clearance remains the same after installing this product.

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