HKS Nissan R35 GT-R DCT (Dual Clutch Transmission) Cooler Kit

  • Brand: HKS
  • Availability: In Stock

From the street to race circuits, the HKS DCT Cooler Kit for the GT-R has been developed to provide firm, positive shift engagement while assisting in the prevention of overheating the clutch and transmission. By stabilizing and maintaining lower oil temperatures in the transmission, the life cycle of the oil...

From the street to race circuits, the HKS DCT Cooler Kit for the GT-R has been developed to provide firm, positive shift engagement while assisting in the prevention of overheating the clutch and transmission. By stabilizing and maintaining lower oil temperatures in the transmission, the life cycle of the oil is extended. Integrated with the factory water-cooled transmission cooler, the DCT Cooler Kit also assists in reducing the GTR’s overall water temperature


  • Placement of the DCT cooler core to the front left fender maximizes cooling
  • The included, specially designed, Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) air duct is used to enhance air flow to the core.
  • A larger -10 size oil line reduces resistance and increases flow ensuring proper oil supply.
  • The transmission’s stock heat exchanger and HKS thermostat are integrated into the DCT Cooler. With a specially designed oil outlet attachment, stabilizing the oil temperature occurs in a shorter amount of time. Improved shifts are noticeable even after cold starts.
  • During testing at Fuji Speedway, the water temperature was reduced by an average of 5°C (41°F) enabling continuous laps at a constant oil temperature of 127°C (260°F).


  • 2009-2011 Nissan R35 GT-R

Product Notes

  • Additional 2L of MT Oil required (Not included)


New aluminum washer tank, which was specifically designed for R35, is included. A stock feed-water inlet is used for ease of maintenance.

Aluminum pipes, which were specifically designed for R35, are used for engine and its lower area. These aluminum pipes can trim the weight and improve engine compartment appearance.

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